Source code for ckipnlp.parser

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Mu Yang <>'
__copyright__ = '2018-2020 CKIP Lab'
__license__ = 'CC BY-NC-SA 4.0'

import os as _os
import warnings as _warnings

    if not _os.environ.get('_SPHINX'):
        from ckipnlp._core.parser import CkipParserCore
except ImportError as exc:
    raise ImportError(
        'Please reinstall ‘ckipnlp’ with ‘--install-option=\'--parser\'’.  --install-option=\'--parser-dir=<...>\''
        'Visit for more information.'
    ) from exc
except Exception as exc:
    raise exc

from ckipnlp.util.ini import create_ws_lex, create_ws_ini, create_parser_ini

[docs]class CkipParser: """The CKIP sentence parsing driver. Parameters ---------- logger : bool enable logger. lex_list : Iterable passed to :meth:`ckipnlp.util.ini.create_ws_lex`, overridden **lex_file** for :meth:`ckipnlp.util.ini.create_ws_ini`. ini_file : str the path to the INI file. ws_ini_file : str the path to the INI file for CKIPWS. Other Parameters ---------------- ** the configs for CKIPParser, passed to :meth:`ckipnlp.util.ini.create_parser_ini`, ignored if **ini_file** is set. ** the configs for CKIPWS, passed to :meth:`ckipnlp.util.ini.create_ws_ini`, ignored if **ws_ini_file** is set. .. danger:: Never instance more than one object of this class! """ def __init__(self, *, logger=False, ini_file=None, ws_ini_file=None, lex_list=None, **kwargs, ): self.__core = CkipParserCore() if logger: # self.__core.enable_logger() _warnings.warn('Logger is not supported for CKIP Parser') if lex_list: lex_file, f_lex = create_ws_lex(*lex_list) kwargs['lex_file'] = lex_file if not ws_ini_file: ws_ini_file, f_ws_ini, kwargs = create_ws_ini(**kwargs) if not ini_file: ini_file, f_ini, kwargs = create_parser_ini(ws_ini_file=ws_ini_file, **kwargs) def CkipParser(*, _=None): pass # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, invalid-name, multiple-statements CkipParser(**kwargs) self.__core.init_data(ini_file) try: f_lex.close() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass try: f_ws_ini.close() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass try: f_ini.close() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_text(text): """Text normalization output. Replacing keywords ``()+-:|&#`` by by full-width ones. """ return (text .replace('(', '(') .replace(')', ')') .replace('+', '+') .replace('-', '-') .replace(':', ':') .replace('|', '|') .replace('&', '&') # for tree draw .replace('#', '#') # for tree draw )
def __call__(self, text): return self.apply(text)
[docs] def apply(self, text, *, normalize=True): """Parse a sentence. Parameters ---------- text : str the input sentence. normalize : bool do text normalization (please refer :meth:`normalize_text`). Return ------ str the output sentence. .. hint:: One may also call this method as :meth:`__call__`. """ return self.apply_list([text], normalize=normalize)[0]
[docs] def apply_list(self, ilist, *, normalize=True): """Parse a list of sentences. Parameters ---------- ilist : List[str] the list of input sentences. normalize : bool do text normalization (please refer :meth:`normalize_text`). Return ------ List[str] the list of output sentences. """ if normalize: ilist = list(map(self.normalize_text, ilist)) return self.__core.apply_list(ilist)
[docs] def apply_file(self, ifile, ofile): """Parse a file. Parameters ---------- ifile : str the input file. ofile : str the output file (will be overwritten). """ return self.__core.apply_file(ifile, ofile)