Source code for ckipnlp.util.parser

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Mu Yang <>'
__copyright__ = '2018-2020 CKIP Lab'
__license__ = 'CC BY-NC-SA 4.0'

import collections as _collections
import json as _json

from typing import (

import treelib as _treelib


[docs]class ParserNodeData(NamedTuple): """A parser node.""" role: str = None #: *str* – the role. pos: str = None #: *str* – the post-tag. term: str = None #: *str* – the text term. def __str__(self): return self.to_text()
[docs] @classmethod def from_text(cls, text): """Construct an instance from :class:`ckipnlp.parser.CkipParser` output. Parameters ---------- data : str text such as ``'Head:Na:中文字'``. Notes ----- - ``'Head:Na:中文字'`` -> role = ``'Head'``, pos = ``'Na'``, term = ``'中文字'`` - ``'Head:Na'`` -> role = ``'Head'``, pos = ``'Na'``, term = ``None`` - ``'Na'`` -> role = ``None``, pos = ``'Na'``, term = ``None`` """ if ':' in text: fields = text.split(':') return cls(*fields) return cls(pos=text)
[docs] def to_text(self): """Transform to plain text. Return ------ str """ return ':'.join(filter(None, self))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Construct an instance from python built-in containers. Parameters ---------- data : dict dictionary such as ``{ 'role': 'Head', 'pos': 'Na', 'term': '中文字' }`` """ return cls(**data)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Transform to python built-in containers. Return ------ dict """ return self._asdict() # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): """Construct an instance from JSON format. Parameters ---------- data : str please refer :meth:`from_dict` for format details. """ return cls.from_dict(_json.loads(data, **kwargs))
[docs] def to_json(self, **kwargs): """Transform to JSON format. Return ------ str """ return _json.dumps(self.to_dict(), **kwargs)
[docs]class ParserNode(_treelib.Node): """A parser node for tree. Attributes ---------- data : :class:`ParserNodeData` See Also -------- treelib.tree.Node: Please refer `<>`_ for built-in usages. """ data_class = ParserNodeData def __repr__(self): return '{name}(tag={tag}, identifier={identifier})'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, tag=self.tag, identifier=self.identifier, )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Transform to python built-in containers. Return ------ dict """ return _collections.OrderedDict(id=self.identifier,
[docs] def to_json(self, **kwargs): """Transform to JSON format. Return ------ str """ return _json.dumps(self.to_dict(), **kwargs)
[docs]class ParserRelation(NamedTuple): """A parser relation.""" head: ParserNode #: :class:`ParserNode` – the head node. tail: ParserNode #: :class:`ParserNode` – the tail node. relation: str #: *str* – the relation. def __repr__(self): ret = '{name}(head={head}, tail={tail}, relation={relation})' if self._head_first \ else '{name}(tail={tail}, head={head}, relation={relation})' return ret.format(name=type(self).__name__, head=self.head, tail=self.tail, relation=self.relation) @property def _head_first(self): return self.head.identifier <= self.tail.identifier
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Transform to python built-in containers. Return ------ dict """ return _collections.OrderedDict(head=self.head.to_dict(), tail=self.head.to_dict(), relation=self.relation)
[docs] def to_json(self, **kwargs): """Transform to JSON format. Return ------ str """ return _json.dumps(self.to_dict(), **kwargs)
[docs]class ParserTree(_treelib.Tree): """A parsed tree. See Also -------- treereelib.tree.Tree: Please refer `<>`_ for built-in usages. """ node_class = ParserNode
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_text(tree_text): """Text normalization for :class:`ckipnlp.parser.CkipParser` output. Remove leading number and trailing ``#``. """ if '#' in tree_text: tree_text = tree_text.split('] ', 2)[-1].rstrip('#') return tree_text
def __str__(self): self.to_text()
[docs] @classmethod def from_text(cls, tree_text, *, normalize=True): """Create a :class:`ParserTree` object from :class:`ckipnlp.parser.CkipParser` output. Parameters ---------- text : str A parsed tree from :class:`ckipnlp.parser.CkipParser` output. normalize : bool Do text normalization using :meth:`normalize_text`. """ if normalize: tree_text = cls.normalize_text(tree_text) tree = cls() node_id = 0 node_queue = [None] text = '' ending = True for char in tree_text: if char == '(': node_data = cls.node_class.data_class.from_text(text) tree.create_node(tag=text, identifier=node_id, parent=node_queue[-1], data=node_data) node_queue.append(node_id) node_id += 1 text = '' elif char == ')': if not ending: node_data = cls.node_class.data_class.from_text(text) tree.create_node(tag=text, identifier=node_id, parent=node_queue[-1], data=node_data) node_id += 1 node_queue.pop() text = '' ending = True elif char == '|': if not ending: node_data = cls.node_class.data_class.from_text(text) tree.create_node(tag=text, identifier=node_id, parent=node_queue[-1], data=node_data) node_id += 1 text = '' ending = True else: ending = False text += char return tree
[docs] def to_text(self, node_id=0): """Transform to plain text. Return ------ str """ node = self[node_id] tree_text = children_text = '|'.join((self.to_text(child.identifier) for child in self.children(node_id))) if children_text: tree_text = '{}({})'.format(tree_text, children_text) return tree_text
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Construct an instance from python built-in containers. Parameters ---------- data : dict dictionary such as ``{ 'id': 0, 'data': { ... }, 'children': [ ... ] }``, where ``'data'`` is a dictionary with the same format as :meth:`ParserNodeData.to_dict`, and ``'children'`` is a list of dictionaries of subtrees with the same format as this tree. """ tree = cls() queue = _collections.deque() queue.append((data, None,)) while queue: node_dict, parent_id = queue.popleft() node_id = node_dict['id'] node_data = cls.node_class.data_class.from_dict(node_dict['data']) tree.create_node(tag=node_data.to_text(), identifier=node_id, parent=parent_id, data=node_data) for child in node_dict['children']: queue.append((child, node_id,)) return tree
[docs] def to_dict(self, node_id=0): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Transform to python built-in containers. Return ------ dict """ tree_dict = self[node_id].to_dict() tree_dict['children'] = [] for child in self.children(node_id): tree_dict['children'].append(self.to_dict(child.identifier)) return tree_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): """Construct an instance from JSON format. Parameters ---------- data : str please refer :meth:`from_dict` for format details. """ return cls.from_dict(_json.loads(data, **kwargs))
[docs] def to_json(self, node_id=0, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Transform to JSON format. Return ------ str """ return _json.dumps(self.to_dict(node_id=node_id), **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, *, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ key=lambda node: node.identifier, idhidden=False, **kwargs, ): """Show pretty tree.""" super().show(key=key, idhidden=idhidden, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_children(self, node_id, *, role): """Get children of a node with given role. Parameters ---------- node_id : int ID of target node. role : str the target role. Yields ------ :class:`ParserNode` the children nodes with given role. """ for child in self.children(node_id): if == role: yield child
[docs] def get_heads(self, root_id=0, *, semantic=True, deep=True): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """Get all head nodes of a subtree. Parameters ---------- root_id : int ID of the root node of target subtree. semantic : bool use semantic/syntactic policy. For semantic mode, return ``DUMMY`` or ``head`` instead of syntactic ``Head``. deep : bool find heads recursively. Yields ------ :class:`ParserNode` the head nodes. """ head_nodes = [] children = list(self.children(root_id)) # No child, choose the root node instead if not children: head_nodes.append(self[root_id]) # Semantic mode if semantic: # Find DUMMY if not head_nodes: for child in children: if in ('DUMMY', 'DUMMY1', 'DUMMY2',): head_nodes.append(child) # Find head if not head_nodes: for child in children: if == 'head': head_nodes.append(child) # Find Head if not head_nodes: for child in children: if == 'Head': head_nodes.append(child) # Found no head, choose the last child instead if not head_nodes: head_nodes.append(children[-1]) # Recursion for node in head_nodes: if deep and not node.is_leaf(): yield from self.get_heads(node.identifier, semantic=semantic) else: yield node
[docs] def get_relations(self, root_id=0, *, semantic=True): """Get all relations of a subtree. Parameters ---------- root_id : int ID of the subtree root node. semantic : bool please refer :meth:`get_heads` for policy detail. Yields ------ :class:`ParserRelation` the relations. """ children = list(self.children(root_id)) head_children = list(self.get_heads(root_id, semantic=semantic, deep=False)) # Get heads for head_node in self.get_heads(root_id, semantic=semantic): # Get tails for tail in children: if != 'Head' and tail not in head_children: if tail.is_leaf(): yield ParserRelation(head=head_node, tail=tail, else: for node in self.get_heads(tail.identifier, semantic=semantic): yield ParserRelation(head=head_node, tail=node, # Recursion for child in children: yield from self.get_relations(child.identifier, semantic=semantic)