Source code for ckipnlp.driver.coref

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

This module provides built-in coreference resolution driver.

__author__ = 'Mu Yang <>'
__copyright__ = '2018-2020 CKIP Lab'
__license__ = 'CC BY-NC-SA 4.0'

import numpy as _np

from treelib import (
    Tree as _Tree,

from ckipnlp.container import (
    TextParagraph as _TextParagraph,
    SegParagraph as _SegParagraph,
    ParseParagraph as _ParseParagraph,
    NerParagraph as _NerParagraph,
    CorefToken as _CorefToken,
    CorefSentence as _CorefSentence,
    CorefParagraph as _CorefParagraph,

from import (

from import (

from .base import (
    BaseDriver as _BaseDriver,


[docs]class CkipCorefChunker(_BaseDriver): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """The CKIP coreference resolution driver. Arguments --------- lazy : bool Lazy initialize the driver. .. method:: __call__(*, constituency) Apply coreference delectation. Parameters **constituency** (:class:`~ckipnlp.container.parse.ParseParagraph`) — The constituency-parsing sentences. Returns **coref** (:class:`~ckipnlp.container.coref.CorefParagraph`) — The coreference results. """ driver_type = 'coref_chunker' driver_family = 'default' driver_inputs = None def _init(self): pass def _call(self, *, constituency): assert isinstance(constituency, _ParseParagraph) # Convert to tree structure tree_list = [ [ (clause.to_tree(), clause.delim,) for clause in sent ] for sent in constituency ] # Find coreference coref_tree = self._get_coref(tree_list) # # Get results coref = self._get_result(tree_list, coref_tree=coref_tree) return coref ######################################################################################################################## @classmethod def _get_coref(cls, tree_list): coref_tree = _Tree() coref_tree.create_node(identifier=0) dummy_id = (-1, -1, -1) coref_tree.create_node(identifier=dummy_id, parent=0, data=True) name2node = {} # name => ((sent_id, clause_id,), (node_id, is_prepend)) curr_source = None # the current coref source last_source = None # the last coref source last_subject = None # the last coref subject last_sent_pos = None # the POS-tag of last sentence # Find coref for sent_id, clause_list in enumerate(tree_list): for clause_id, (tree, _) in enumerate(clause_list): tree_key = (sent_id, clause_id,) if tree is None: continue curr_sent_pos = tree[tree.root].data.pos # Get relations appositions = [] for rel in tree.get_relations(): if in _APPOSITION_ROLES: appositions.append(((rel.head.identifier, False), (rel.tail.identifier, False),)) # Get sources/targets node_keys = {} for node_key in cls._get_sources(tree): # Source node_keys[node_key] = True for node_key in cls._get_targets(tree): # Target node_keys[node_key] = False subject_keys = set(cls._get_subjects(tree)) # Subject for node_key, ntype in sorted(node_keys.items()): if ntype: # Assign ref_id to sources source = tree[node_key[0]] curr_source = (tree_key, node_key,) parent_id = name2node.get(, None) if parent_id: coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=parent_id, data=True) else: name2node[] = (tree_key, node_key,) coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=0, data=True) else: # Link targets to previous sources if node_key[1] and last_subject: coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=last_subject, data=False) if not node_key[1]: if curr_source and tree[node_key[0]].data.word in _SELF_WORDS: coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=curr_source, data=False) elif last_source: coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=last_source, data=False) else: coref_tree.create_node(identifier=(tree_key, node_key,), parent=dummy_id, data=False) # Merge apposition (apposition role) for head_key, tail_key in appositions: head_key = (tree_key, head_key,) tail_key = (tree_key, tail_key,) if coref_tree.contains(head_key) and coref_tree.contains(tail_key): if coref_tree.is_ancestor(head_key, tail_key) or \ coref_tree.is_ancestor(tail_key, head_key): continue if coref_tree[head_key].data: # Head is a source coref_tree.move_node(tail_key, head_key) elif coref_tree[tail_key].data: # Tail is a source coref_tree.move_node(head_key, tail_key) else: coref_tree.move_node(tail_key, head_key) # Merge apposition (NP sentences) if curr_sent_pos == 'NP' and last_sent_pos == 'NP' and last_subject: for node_key, ntype in node_keys.items(): if ntype: # Merge sources only source_id = (tree_key, node_key,) if coref_tree.contains(source_id): coref_tree.move_node(source_id, last_subject) # Update subject if curr_sent_pos in ('NP', 'S'): last_subject = None for node_key, ntype in sorted(node_keys.items(), key=lambda x: x[::-1]): if node_key in subject_keys: last_subject = (tree_key, node_key,) break # Update last last_source = curr_source last_sent_pos = curr_sent_pos # Remove dummy node coref_tree.remove_node(dummy_id) return coref_tree @classmethod def _get_result(cls, tree_list, *, coref_tree): # Assign coref ID node2coref = {} # ((sent_id, clause_id,), (node_id, is_prepend)) => ref_id sources = set() # ((sent_id, clause_id,), (node_id, is_prepend)) for ref_id, coref_source in enumerate(coref_tree.children(coref_tree.root)): tree_key, node_key = coref_source.identifier sources.add((tree_key, node_key,)) for tree_key, node_key in coref_tree.expand_tree(coref_source.identifier): node2coref[tree_key, node_key] = ref_id # Generate result tokens_list = _CorefParagraph() for sent_id, clause_list in enumerate(tree_list): tokens = _CorefSentence() tokens_list.append(tokens) for clause_id, (tree, delim,) in enumerate(clause_list): tree_key = (sent_id, clause_id,) if tree is not None: nodes = tree.leaves() for node in nodes: key = (tree_key, (node.identifier, True),) ref_id = node2coref.get(key, -1) if ref_id >= 0: tokens.append(_CorefToken( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter word=None, idx=(clause_id, None,), coref=(ref_id, 'zero'), )) key = (tree_key, (node.identifier, False),) ref_id = node2coref.get(key, -1) if ref_id >= 0: tokens.append(_CorefToken( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter, idx=(clause_id, node.identifier,), coref=(ref_id, 'source' if key in sources else 'target',), )) else: tokens.append(_CorefToken( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter, idx=(clause_id, node.identifier,), coref=None, )) if delim: tokens.append(_CorefToken( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter word=delim, idx=(clause_id, None,), coref=None, )) return tokens_list ########################################################################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def transform_ws(*, text, ws, ner): """Transform word-segmented sentence lists (create a new instance).""" assert isinstance(text, _TextParagraph) assert isinstance(ws, _SegParagraph) assert isinstance(ner, _NerParagraph) ws_new = [] for line, line_ws, line_ner in zip(text, ws, ner): line_bi = _np.zeros(len(line)+1, dtype=_np.bool) line_bi[0] = True line_bi[_np.cumsum(list(map(len, line_ws)))] = True for _, _, (idx0, idx1,) in line_ner: line_bi[[idx0, idx1]] = True line_bi[idx0+1:idx1] = False idxs = _np.where(line_bi)[0] ws_new.append([line[idx0:idx1] for idx0, idx1 in zip(idxs[:-1], idxs[1:])]) return _SegParagraph.from_list(ws_new)
[docs] @staticmethod def transform_pos(*, ws, pos, ner): """Transform pos-tag sentence lists (modify in-place).""" assert isinstance(ws, _SegParagraph) assert isinstance(pos, _SegParagraph) assert isinstance(ner, _NerParagraph) for line_ws, line_pos, line_ner in zip(ws, pos, ner): idxmap = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(_np.cumsum(list(map(len, line_ws))))} for token in line_ner: if token.ner == 'PERSON': line_pos[idxmap[token.idx[1]]] = 'Nb'
######################################################################################################################## @classmethod def _get_sources(cls, tree): """Get sources of a tree Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`~ckipnlp.container.util.parse_tree.ParseTree` the constituency parsing tree. Yields ------ int the identifier of source nodes. bool prepend this node or not. Notes ----- A node can be a coreference source if either: 1. POS-tag is `Nb` 2. is one of the human words from E-HowNet """ for node in tree.leaves(): if cls._is_human_word(node): yield node.identifier, False @classmethod def _get_targets(cls, tree): """Get targets of a tree Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`~ckipnlp.container.util.parse_tree.ParseTree` the constituency parsing tree. Yields ------ int the identifier of source nodes. bool prepend this node or not. Notes ----- A node can be a coreference target if either: 1. POS-tag is `Nh` 2. is one of the pronoun words from E-HowNet """ root = tree[tree.root] leaves = tree.leaves() if == 'VP': if leaves[0].data.pos.startswith('Cb'): # coref will be inserted after this Cb node yield leaves[1].identifier, True else: # coref will be inserted in front of the whole sentence yield leaves[0].identifier, True for node in leaves: if cls._is_pronoun_word(node): yield node.identifier, False ######################################################################################################################## @classmethod def _get_subjects(cls, tree): """Get subjects of a tree Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`~ckipnlp.container.util.parse_tree.ParseTree` the constituency parsing tree. Yields ------ int the identifier of subject node. bool prepend this node or not. """ for node in tree.get_subjects(): yield node.identifier, False ######################################################################################################################## @staticmethod def _is_human_word(node): return'Nb') or'N') and in _HUMAN_WORDS @staticmethod def _is_pronoun_word(node): return'Nh') or'N') and in _PRONOUN_3RD_WORDS