ckipnlp.container.coref module

This module provides containers for coreference sentences.

class ckipnlp.container.coref.CorefToken(word, coref, idx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseTuple, _CorefToken

A coreference token.

  • word (str) – the token word.

  • coref (Tuple[int, str]) –

    the coreference ID and type. None if not a coreference source or target.

    • type:
      • ’source’: coreference source.

      • ’target’: coreference target.

      • ’zero’: null element coreference target.

  • idx (Tuple[int, int]) – the node indexes (clause index, token index) in parse tree. idx[1] = None if this node is a null element or the punctuations.


This class is an subclass of tuple. To change the attribute, please create a new instance instead.

Data Structure Examples

Text format

Used for to_text().

List format

Used for from_list() and to_list().

    '畢卡索',       # token word
    (0, 'source'), # coref ID and type
    (2, 2),        # node index
Dict format

Used for from_dict() and to_dict().

    'word': '畢卡索',        # token word
    'coref': (0, 'source'), # coref ID and type
    'idx': (2, 2),          # node index
class ckipnlp.container.coref.CorefSentence(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: BaseSentence

A list of coreference sentence.

Data Structure Examples

Text format

Used for to_text().

# Token segmented by \u3000 (full-width space)
'「 完蛋 了 !」 , 畢卡索_0 他_0 想'
List format

Used for from_list() and to_list().

    [ '「', None, (0, None,), ],
    [ '完蛋', None, (1, 0,), ],
    [ '了', None, (1, 1,), ],
    [ '!」', None, (1, None,), ],
    [ '畢卡索', (0, 'source'), (2, 2,), ],
    [ '他', (0, 'target'), (2, 3,), ],
    [ '想', None, (2, 4,), ],
Dict format

Used for from_dict() and to_dict().

    { 'word': '「', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, None,), },
    { 'word': '完蛋', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, 0,), },
    { 'word': '了', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, 1,), },
    { 'word': '!」', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, None,), },
    { 'word': '畢卡索', 'coref': (0, 'source'), 'idx': (2, 2,), },
    { 'word': '他', 'coref': (0, 'target'), 'idx': (2, 3,), },
    { 'word': '想', 'coref': None, 'idx': (2, 4,), },

alias of CorefToken

class ckipnlp.container.coref.CorefParagraph(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: BaseList

A list of coreference sentence.

Data Structure Examples

Text format

Used for to_text().

    '「 完蛋 了 !」 , 畢卡索_0 他_0 想', # Sentence 1
    '但是 None_0 也 沒有 辦法', # Sentence 1
List format

Used for from_list() and to_list().

    [ # Sentence 1
        [ '「', None, (0, None,), ],
        [ '完蛋', None, (1, 0,), ],
        [ '了', None, (1, 1,), ],
        [ '!」', None, (1, None,), ],
        [ '畢卡索', (0, 'source'), (2, 2,), ],
        [ '他', (0, 'target'), (2, 3,), ],
        [ '想', None, (2, 4,), ],
    [ # Sentence 2
        [ '但是', None, (0, 1,), ],
        [ None, (0, 'zero'), (0, None,), ],
        [ '也', None, (0, 2,), ],
        [ '沒有', None, (0, 3,), ],
        [ '辦法', None, (0, 5,), ],
Dict format

Used for from_dict() and to_dict().

    [ # Sentence 1
        { 'word': '「', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, None,), },
        { 'word': '完蛋', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, 0,), },
        { 'word': '了', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, 1,), },
        { 'word': '!」', 'coref': None, 'idx': (1, None,), },
        { 'word': '畢卡索', 'coref': (0, 'source'), 'idx': (2, 2,), },
        { 'word': '他', 'coref': (0, 'target'), 'idx': (2, 3,), },
        { 'word': '想', 'coref': None, 'idx': (2, 4,), },
    [ # Sentence 2
        { 'word': '但是', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, 1,), },
        { 'word': None, 'coref': (0, 'zero'), 'idx': (0, None,), },
        { 'word': '也', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, 2,), },
        { 'word': '沒有', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, 3,), },
        { 'word': '辦法', 'coref': None, 'idx': (0, 5,), },

alias of CorefSentence