ckipnlp.container.seg module

This module provides containers for word-segmented sentences.

class ckipnlp.container.seg.SegSentence(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: BaseSentence0

A word-segmented sentence.

Data Structure Examples

Text format

Used for from_text() and to_text().

'中文字 耶 , 啊 哈 哈哈 。' # Words segmented by \u3000 (full-width space)
List/Dict format

Used for from_list(), to_list(), from_dict(), and to_dict().

[ '中文字', '耶', ',', '啊', '哈', '哈哈', '。', ]


This class is also used for part-of-speech tagging.


alias of str

class ckipnlp.container.seg.SegParagraph(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: BaseList

A list of word-segmented sentences.

Data Structure Examples

Text format

Used for from_text() and to_text().

    '中文字 耶 , 啊 哈 哈 。',        # Sentence 1
    '「 完蛋 了 ! 」 , 畢卡索 他 想', # Sentence 2
List/Dict format

Used for from_list(), to_list(), from_dict(), and to_dict().

    [ '中文字', '耶', ',', '啊', '哈', '哈哈', '。', ],            # Sentence 1
    [ '「', '完蛋', '了', '!', '」', ',', '畢卡索', '他', '想', ], # Sentence 2


This class is also used for part-of-speech tagging.


alias of SegSentence